
Certified Asset Management Accessor (CAMA)

Asset management is “Coordinated Activities of an organization to realize value from assets. It is no more struggling trying to operate or maintain assets with the hard way. Asset Management has a broader focus encompassing many organizational levels and applying to all functions or departments. The terms, concepts and activities are explained in ISO 55000 series ‘Asset Management – Management Standard’, which shows how the application of broader Asset Management approaches can help organizations extract most value for stakeholders.

For individuals seeking to be competent in asset management related aspects, The “Certified Asset Management Assessor” (CAMA) certification establishes an individual’s credentials in asset management knowledge and comprehension, globally.

Having certified CAMA personnel, Organizations will be able to determine the competence and experience of personnel, whether they are part of an audit team, or helping to implement asset management systems.

Individuals to be certified in this certificate, they should have minimum 5 years of experience in maintenance, reliability and asset management as well as proven knowledge and skills to fulfill CAMA body of knowledge including ISO 55000 series knowledge and skills.

This course will guide attendees through CAMA Body of Knowledge and will work as illustrating roadmap to help you “Sharpen the Saw’’ before the examination and enhance needed knowledge and skills regarding Asset Management. Practice questions are included in this course to enable attendees to know exam testing scheme and methodologies and giving attendees helping role in passing exam.

This course provides excellent framework of asset management implementation as per standardized requirements for maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals seeking credentialling themselves in asset management in light of ISO 55000 and The Global Forum of Maintenance & Asset Management Body of Knowledge.

Who should attend?

Maintenance, Reliability & Asset Management professionals from all levels.

For those seeking to be certified asset management accessor (CAMA), they should have minimum 5 of experience in maintenance, reliability and asset management.
